waning crescent moon gem outlandish amidst stars gleaming with grandeur Linked to Haiku Horizon where prompt for week#207 is “moon.”
pain bundled in heart evokes profound emotions a poem is born Linked to Haiku Horizons for prompt “bundle” for Week# 202
catastrophic storm lives traumatized forever heart still hopes for peace The post follows the prompt “peace” given by Haiku Horizons for Week 200!
mounting unicorn soaring higher than my dreams spilling magic beans for utopia on earth welcome to a dreamer’s world! The post follows the prompt words “dream” and “magic” given by Elsie for her Weekly Tanka Challenge #77....
Do our beliefs shape our experiences or Do our experiences amass to form our belief? It is proclaimed by many thought leaders that what we experience is the result of our thoughts and our beliefs. Let...
Wishing all the friends in the blogging community a Merry Christmas! May Jesus enlighten you with incessant sparks of thoughts! May Santa gift you the magical powers to pen your beautiful thoughts into heart -touching words in a blink!...
Do you wear the right attitude? We are controlled by situations which are completely out of our control. Should we give in? Our attitude has ever-lasting impact on our lives.
Ensnared in our fears spurning opportunities we ridicule life let us revisit ourselves to unleash blatant power Linked to dVerse Tuesday Poetics where Lillian wants us to use the word “visit” in our poem. Also linked to...
An array of thoughts flooded my mind when I cared to ascertain the purpose of my life I crunched some beliefs I munched some feelings focusing on my dreams envisioning my future I dusted off the qualms that...
Toni is hosting Haibun Mondays at dVerse. She wants us to write about our plans for our writing in a haibun. Writing is therapeutic for me. It pulls me out of the clutches of darkness where I wander...