ALS NaPoWriMo Day 29 Prompt: What/who inspires you to write poetry or What would you like people to remember about you after you’re gone. We have been continuously writing for last 28 days. Let’s sit down today to think...
ALS NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 23 Prompt: We observe a lot of things around us– pets, statues, buildings, household items, stationary items, furniture, vehicles, and the list is endless. How about a poem dedicated to any of these? It may...
ALS NaPoWriMo Day 28 Prompt: A lover of numbers is called a numerophile. We may not be numerophiles, but we deal with numbers every day. Let’s use our creativity to include some numbers in our poems today – how...
ALS NaPoWriMo Day 26 Prompt: Change is the only constant. No matter how clichéd this phrase is, it is the ultimate truth. We undergo infinite changes in our lifetime, accepting some of those cheerfully, while some are imposed...
ALS NaPoWriMo Day 21: Peer Poems Prompt: A writer should first be a reader. We complete 3 weeks of NaPoWriMo today and would have generated more than 1500 poems in last 20 days on this platform itself. Seek inspiration...
ALS NaPoWriMo Day 19: If everything around you seems dark, look again. You maybe the light – Rumi Poem: Walk Alone My Dear! Walk Alone The world around me was enveloped in darkness Though the glitterati of...
ALS NaPoWriMo Day 2: Introspection is the key to personal growth. No matter how learned we are, or how much we believe in ourselves or our dreams, we feel the need of asking ourselves those pertinent questions about our...
Today’s prompt comes to us from this list of “all-time favorite writing prompts.” It asks you to name your alter-ego, and then describe him/her in detail. Then write in your alter-ego’s voice. Maybe your alter-ego is a streetwise detective, or a...
NaPoWriMo Day 3: And now for our (optional) prompt. This one is a bit complex, so I saved it for a Sunday. It’s a Spanish form called a “glosa” – literally a poem that glosses, or explains, or in...
The prompt for Day 2 is to write a poem based on a word featured in a tweet from Haggard Hawks, an account devoted to obscure and interesting English words. Will you choose a word like “aprosexia,” which means “an...