ALS 2021 | An Anthology of Poems

ALS 2021 | An Anthology of Poems

An excerpt from my poem ‘Life of Truth/ Truth of Life’ (A Reverse Poem, that is meaningful both ways- top to bottom as well as bottom to top) that won ALS Wordsmith Award 2021 for this poem:


I am stupefied at the perplexity of life,
Onerous to state the truth and yet precarious to lie

I’ve become a solitary reaper in the galaxy of mortals,
In the pursuit of the soul, that world identifies as ‘me’


About the book:

In ALS 2021- An Anthology of Poems, winning verses of the annual Wordsmith awards contest and selected poems inked by erudite poets from the Asian Literary Society community have been included. These poems have been written on many stimulating and interesting topics.

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