She the Shakti

This was the first book where my writing was published. This book has three of my poems:

  • The Urbane Woman
  • I am a Woman
  • नारी एक शक्ति

Here’s the excerpt from my poem “I am a Woman”:

I am a new start each morning

I am hope when it’s storming

I am a dreamer; I follow my dreams

I am fearless; I flow with the stream


About the book:

She The Shakti is a grand poetic celebration of femininity, a collective voice towards empowering woman’s voice in the society. The intent of this anthology is to empower woman’s voice through the potent medium of poetry. It’s a mission to bring woman to the fore and elevate the gender sensitization in the society. It’s an endeavour to unite and empower woman’s voice, to create a ripple in the society for balance and a united chorus for change to build a tribe where she is heard through her pen. This endeavour brings 300 poems by 124 poets, men and women together and is a united chorus of change, of celebration, of hope.

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