Speak your Mind

Speak your Mind

This book contains my poem titled ‘Do not victimize the victim’ and an article titled’ State of Schools in India’.

An excerpt from my poem titled ‘Do not victimize the victim’:


Time, empathy and justice can certainly aid her rebound
Let’s not victimize the victim by shaming her on this ground
Let’s not suffocate her anymore, let her emotions not paralyze
Let justice not jeopardize the recuperation and normalcy of her life


About the book:

This anthology was conceptualized with the aim to highlight the grave issues which the nation is facing today. In the eyes of the world & other nations, India is seen as a ‘super power’ in the making & as a force to reckon with . However, “We the people of India”, still are not totally optimistic as we face many grave issue which plague the nation today. And these issues prove to be detrimental to the progress of our nation. What are they? Corruption? Communalism? Reservation? Women Safety? Employment ? Environment & cleanliness? And, the answers are in this book wherein the authors have expressed concern over many issues and offered worthy suggestions too, to those “who matter”.

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