
ALS 2021 An Anthology of Short Stories

ALS 2021 An Anthology of Short Stories

This book has two of my winning stories. The story titled “A Tale of Tribulations” that won ALS Wordsmith Award 2021 is a story with PoV of four different characters that reveals on its own as you read the perspective of each of the characters.

Another story titled “The Rubrics of the New Regime” that won ALS Sagar Memorial Award 2021 for children’s literature is a tale about a young boy Yash who learned the importance of kindness, generosity, community and friendship during the testing times of Covid.

About the book:

In ALS 2021: An Anthology of Short Stories Volume 2, winning stories of the annual awards contest and selected stories inked by erudite writers from the Asian Literary Society community have been included. These stories have been written on many thought-provoking topics.


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