My poem today follows the prompt given by Elsie of Ramblingsofawriter for her Weekly Poetry Challenge#80. The prompt words are “nature” and “peace”. She has also suggested a few other poetry forms. I have tried a new form today,...
seasons change with time instilling acquiescence aim of existence Linked to Haiku Horizons for the weekly prompt “aim” for week# 203
obscurity looms as Earth spins on its axis retracting from Sun steering us from dawn to dusk to radiate light elsewhere Linked to Weekly Tanka Challenge#79 hosted by Elsie of Ramblingsofawriter where the challenge is to...
Sun brings hope each day pain ephemeral as night time to start afresh Linked to Haiku Horizons for its prompt “fresh” for Week# 201.
mounting unicorn soaring higher than my dreams spilling magic beans for utopia on earth welcome to a dreamer’s world! The post follows the prompt words “dream” and “magic” given by Elsie for her Weekly Tanka Challenge #77....
early winter breeze aroma of snow and chill heart chimes to cold rhythms The post follow the prompts given by Colleen for her Weekly Tanka Challenge# 62. She has challenged us to use synonyms of “bells” and...
stars gift sight to eyes night breeze gracefully dances tickles mind and ears to rhythm of ocean waves moon guards as knight of night sky The post follows the prompt words “Eyes” and “Ears” shared by Elsie...
Today is the first day of the last month of the year. It’s time to do some assessment 🙂 Let’s assess where we stand on our plans. Let’s assess where we stand our resolutions and commitments. But while doing...
Life is a challenge It is a sprint against time To achieve your dreams You may falter but have faith Each morning dawns rays of hope The post follows the prompt words “morning” and “challenge” given by...
Kim is hosting Tuesday Poetics at dVerse. She has challenged us to write a poem, of any length or form, about an animal in a human way or a human in an animal way, highlighting some trait of the animal/human...