Introspection: Let’s Know Ourselves Better

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Comments ( 19 )

  • Mira

    A beautiful train of thought! At the end of the day, we are all born to find ourselves…

  • Sudhir Suvarna

    Beautiful post. Wish everyone did that. Most people who complain about others do no understand the impact of their own behavior .
    It is also important as you mentioned to know ourselves better. I took my zodiac as the starting point. I learnt that Aries can sometimes be perceived as selfish. Hence, I worked on it for past many years.
    We can all become a better and compassionate person if we understand ourselves first.
    Hope you are doing great ? Keep inspiring.

  • Wandering Soul

    How true – ‘A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience’! It is so important to pause and reflect at one’s own actions and decisions how they affect the lives we lead. You’re so right – use whatever means you think best to get clarity of thought and action.

  • frankhubeny

    I liked this thought: “Whenever you feel you have been left behind in the race of life, take a break!” Usually at that time we try to catch up.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      True. We try to catch up but it might be good to take a break and rejuvenate ourselves for a stronger hit next time:) Thanks for reading and commenting.

  • B.

    Before looking at others behaviour one needs to dig into their own…. which is something we generally underestimate…

    • Feelings and Freedom

      True! We can explore the world only if we explore and know ourselves from time to time. Thanks for reading and commenting.

      • B.

        Thank you for sharing!

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