The crimson ball of light sprinkled its hues in the sky A sense of tranquillity enveloped my heart The waves of the ocean drenched with Sun’s love Its enormity didn’t seem to deter the colors Astonished I stood at...
Some day I’m enough Some day I lose myself Some day I flow with life Some day life is strife – Some mornings bring hope I am at peace with myself Some mornings I lose the will The...
Have I lost my way? Or is this the path I was supposed to take? .. Was I going against the destiny till now? Or is it now that I am challenging it? .. I’m in constant argument with...
Universe, they say, has its own ways Ways of bringing people together, Together who are meant to be, No matter where they are — Miles away from you, In a world that I called my own, Yet searching for...
We are experiencing turbulent times; incidents we never fathomed, situations we have no expertise in dealing; and worst of all, the cumulative grief and pain as a society and as humankind. We are at loss of words to express...
As I walk down the memory lane I drown in the sea of emotions I rejoice with the flowers of ecstasy As memories of love and care embrace The wind of nostalgia quivers me As I see the...
I’m no longer waiting For your approval of my actions I’m no longer waiting For someone to lead my path I’m no longer waiting For flowers to bloom on my way I’m no longer waiting For opportunities to knock...
The moon is a witness… To the ghastly fears that hound me at night,To the ambiguity that dominates my state of mind, To the solitude that accompanies me in the dark,To the longing that ignites in me a spark,...