
Gems of Poesy

This anthology by ALS has three of my prize-winning poems of ALS Weekly Poetry contests:

My Quest for Honesty
– Mirage
– I Feel Suffocated

Here’s an excerpt from my poem titled ‘My Quest for Honesty’:

In this realm of cacophony and competition
Where teaching values has less credence
Where tenets are based on deception than excellence
Where hypocrisy weighs more than prudence
I search for honesty with a lantern of hope in my hand


About the book:

Gems of Poesy is a vibrant bouquet of prize-winning poems of ALS Weekly Poetry Contests. This anthology is a confluence of exquisite verses in different formats, penned by the poets from all over the world. These highly acclaimed poems have been written on various shades of human emotions, relationships, and other thought-provoking topics. Asian Literary Society’s Gems of Poesy is a splendid collection of refreshing and inspiring poems that would touch the core of readers’ heart.

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