ALS NaPoWriMo Day 29 Prompt: What/who inspires you to write poetry or What would you like people to remember about you after you’re gone. We have been continuously writing for last 28 days. Let’s sit down today to think...
ALS NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 22 Prompt: I am the artist of my life Poem: Aham Brahmasmi A unique speck in this vast creation, I am a vital piece of His divine conception A body, heart...
ALS NaPoWriMo Day 17 Prompt: Write about anything today but make sure to use some of the words listed below: Bird, Candle, Books, Moon, Words, Ring, Eyes, Wind, Peace, River, Dawn, Perfect Poem: The Journey of Soul ...
Prompt for ALS NaPoWriMo Day 11: Buddha is not just the name of Lord but it’s a state of being. It’s akin to divinity. What do you think it takes to be like Buddha? Do you feel the...
Here’s our optional prompt for the day. Many of us had to write “acrostic” poems in school. These are poems in which the first letter of each line spells a word as you go down the poem. For example,...
NaPoWriMo Day 3: And now for our (optional) prompt. This one is a bit complex, so I saved it for a Sunday. It’s a Spanish form called a “glosa” – literally a poem that glosses, or explains, or in...
I’ve always maintained that we are a product of our thoughts. Whatever we think, we become. Our thoughts are only as powerful as we want them to be! Take for instance, a scenario where someone hurt you by his/...