The sky seemed captivating, adorned with the glitterati of stars like a bride dressed in an impeccably sparkling outfit. I had been admiring the blue for hours and was eager to continue my adoration for eternity. The moving...
stealing some sun light to oust darkness from our life gleams the modest moon The post follows the prompt “steal” given by Haiku Horizons for this week.
windstorm propelled my heart’s melancholy to sky the moon stands forlorn hoping stars lead jubilance in sky as well as my life This post follows the prompt words given by Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge #36....
summer stifles life Parched earth frenziedly craves for sweet kisses of rain The post follows the prompt “kiss” provided for week 171 by Haiku Horizons.
summer afternoon waves quietly touching shore teasing leisurely savouring tranquility weary of belligerence
My hands are trembling. My body quivers. But my eyes are focused at the birds soaring in the sky. I feel butterflies in my stomach as someone tightens the belts that have captivated my body. Dozens of thick ropes...
sharp rays of the sun illuminate each planet hallucinating planets for billions of years what a clear supremacy The tanka incorporates prompt words “clear” (synonym of “clean”) and “sharp” of Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge # 33
A mug of coffee a bar of chocolate appeasing music a snug recliner is all I want today for I want to unwind today A book to read nature to duck no goals to attain no rules to cling...
The haiku for today follows the prompt given for week 167 of Haiku Horizons! The prompt for this week is “heat”. soft chivalrous clouds audaciously camouflage giant ball of heat
Just before the day cedes to the darkness Just before the moon impounds the crown Just before the stars embellish the sky Just before the synthetic light ensues the natural light Just before the birds fly back home Just...