the quest for beauty leads us to surmount high peaks explore hills and seas to discern nature’s whimsy to unearth it’s repertoire This post follows the prompt given by Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge# 44. The...
moon abandons sky petrified clouds lead the quest run helter-skelter probing stars, sparking mayhem pouring tears of grief on earth
seeking some answers he wandered around the world ’til a perfect spot This post follows the prompt “Spot” given by Haiku Horizons for week 178.
dark secrets revealed as moon bade adieu to dawn awaiting to bloom This post follows the prompt “dark” given by Haiku Horizons for week#177.
Grace is hosting Quadrille Monday this time at dVerse, And it is the 6th anniversary of dVerse! Congratulations to all the hosts. Their efforts are truly appreciated. We’re on Week #36 and the prompt word is “flicker.” Paul suggested to deepen the challenge...
whispering of wind pitter-patter of raindrops rustling of the leaves rhythm of the swaying trees melody of nature’s art This post follows the prompt words “Music” and “Art”, given by Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge#41. I...
I wish to ask a question today that has been troubling me for last few days. Do you believe that physical health is more important than mental health? Why is it that a person who suffers a physical...
This post follows the prompt and rules set by my dear friend Sangbad of Thoughts of Words for the Fortnight Friday Fables, a writing challenge co-hosted by him with another friend Sheetal Bhardwaj of The Glitters of Life. The...
only miracle can rescue our aggrieved earth I urge the fairies to move their magic wand to restore majesty of earth The post follows the prompt words “fairy” and “magic” given by Colleen’s Weekly Poetry...
divorced from the world to spend time with self to discern the purpose of my being to rationalize the significance of grief I walked to the beach a walk to the beach all I had in...