Let your creativity spread its wings! Let your imagination soar high! Let your mind crave for more answers! Let your heart lead the way!
Lillian hosted Poetics at dVerse this Tuesday. She has provided us with images captured by Hubble space telescope and wants us to write a poem seeking inspiration from any one picture. I have written this poem for the picture....
It is week 44 of Quadrille at dVerse and De is hosting the Quadrille today with prompt word “kick”. So, 44 weeks and 44 prompts for 44 worded Quadrille! I ‘ve written the quadrille using all the 44 words:...
music stringed by words words veiled under rhythmic treat dawn of melody Linked to Haiku Horizons for the prompt “treat” for week 192
Kat Myrman is hosting the Twittering Tales Challenge where she provides us a photo prompt. The challenge is to tell a story based on that prompt in 140 characters or less. Below is the picture for this week and my take on it...
golden ball of heat expunges ephemeral mist life effloresces The post follows the prompt “mist” given by Haiku Horizons for this week.
inquisitive eyes questioning my subsistence the stone man commanded to resuscitate my life to turn a new leaf of hope The post is linked to Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge # 48. The challenge is to...
I wish there were a world where I wasn’t a prisoner of time I wish I could hook the ocean whose waves bid to force me drown I wish I could cage the moments and held them hostage of...
taste of cheering spring garnishes the nature’s pie spirits come alive The post follows the prompt “taste” given by Haiku Horizons for week#182.