Let silence bespeak my mind today Let my closed moist eyes gaze your soul today Let my breath swell your heartbeat today Let my touch enthuse your senses today For words are not enough today For I realized that...
The fourth week brings us to the end of this month’s theme. This week, I would like to narrate a tale to stress on the need and value of compassion. Do share your views! A Tale of Compassion ...
The third week of our monthly feature usually entails learning from the teachings of the eminent personalities. Compassion is a widely preached topic by all religious and spiritual leaders of all times. I’ve chosen a few quotes that I...
The sky seemed captivating, adorned with the glitterati of stars like a bride dressed in an impeccably sparkling outfit. I had been admiring the blue for hours and was eager to continue my adoration for eternity. The moving...
truth veiled under smoke laughter shrouds the pain of soul hypocrisy reigns The post follows the prompts given by Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge# 37. The challenge for this week is to use “smoke” and “veil” in a...
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion” – Dalai Lama We’ve heard the word “compassion” too often in our lives in various forms and phrases per se: “Be...
stealing some sun light to oust darkness from our life gleams the modest moon The post follows the prompt “steal” given by Haiku Horizons for this week.
windstorm propelled my heart’s melancholy to sky the moon stands forlorn hoping stars lead jubilance in sky as well as my life This post follows the prompt words given by Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge #36....
world was not so fascinating life never seemed meaningful morning wasn’t so inspiring neither rain did any good until one day, you showed me the way I clench close to my heart the wisdom those words impart...
I have been quite disturbed by the recent terrorist attacks in different parts of the world. My heart is grieving for those who lost their loved ones in these horrifying and condemning acts of violence, giving birth to some...