The NaPoWriMo prompt for the day asks us to write a poem that prominently features the idea of play. It could be a poem about a sport or game, a poem about people who play (or are playing a...
16 Apr
28 Nov
Toni is hosting Haibun Mondays at dVerse. She wants us to write about our plans for our writing in a haibun. Writing is therapeutic for me. It pulls me out of the clutches of darkness where I wander...
20 Apr
The prompt for Day 20 of NaPoWrimo is to write a poem that incorporates the vocabulary and imagery of a specific sport or game. Your poem could invoke chess or baseball, hopscotch or canasta, Monopoly or jai alai. The...
11 Apr
Here’s another Tanka inspired by Weekly Tanka Challenge – Week 39 with prompt “Old & New” that serves my second submission for NaPoWriMo Day 11 old rules of new game new rules of the same old game some variations some sluggish...