obscurity looms as Earth spins on its axis retracting from Sun steering us from dawn to dusk to radiate light elsewhere Linked to Weekly Tanka Challenge#79 hosted by Elsie of Ramblingsofawriter where the challenge is to...
15 Jan
11 Oct
De Jackson of WhimsyGizmo who is a Las Vegan, hosted Quadrille on Monday at dVerse, when we write a poem of exactly 44 words, including a given word. (I know I’m a little late for submission!) In light of the...
19 Jul
dark secrets revealed as moon bade adieu to dawn awaiting to bloom This post follows the prompt “dark” given by Haiku Horizons for week#177.
14 Apr
This post is in response to the Limerick Challenge Week 15 hosted by @mindandlifematters. Another failure saddened her, tore her apart, But she was the owner of a brave heart, She knew it was dark, There was...