The prompt of NaPoWriMo for today is to write a poem in which a villain faces an unfortunate situation, and is revealed to be human (but still evil). Perhaps this could mean the witch from Hansel & Gretel has...
15 Apr
06 Feb
An assessment of your character Your attitude and your galore A review of your honor Watch out! It’s your demeanour Mirroring your confidence Your optimism and dominance A tiara of your couture Yes! It’s your demeanour...
08 Apr
The prompt for the eighth day of NaPoWrimo/GloPoWrimo is to write a poem that relies on repetition. It can be repetition of a phrase, or just a word. I have given weightage to a phrase. Infinite desires Myriad aspirations Some...
29 Mar
Traversing the road of self-discovery, we have reached the end of the month. We are aware that this journey is alleviating, ever evolving and obligatory for our mental and emotional well-being, growth and development. Hence it mandates the process...