Short Story: Love or Justice

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Comments ( 9 )

  • mitadaur

    Oops. Gives a disturbed feeling 🙂 Nicely written story. Yes, justice prevailed in the end. But, I think the child could have been spared, as all this was none of his fault. He was brought into this world by two cheaters.

    Keep writing. 🙂

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks for sharing your perspective. I wanted to write from a different angle this time hence a little gruesome.

      • mitadaur

        Ya agreed. I just conveyed how I felt 🙂 As an author, you are free to write whatever way you want. Nice try indeed.

  • Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

    Oh wow! What a twist. I suspected that she had cheated on him and he got so embittered. What a sad situation, though that was certainly diabolic of him. Wonderfully crafted.

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