Poem: I am your refrigerator

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Comments ( 15 )

  • lillian

    Hah! Love that you took on the voice of the fridge! Rhyming adds to the poem and makes it fun to read. Oh…neatly sheathed….layered with fungus relishing treat….chocolate syrup turned toxic….You’ve described the life of the refrigerator in the home of a very busy person. hmmmm I’m recognizing this for me in days gone by. Well done.
    I see that you mention dVerse but I don’t find you on Mr. Linky. I’m assuming you want to share it on dVerse, so, as the tender of the prompt today, I’ll add your link. Just reply to me if that wasn’t your intent…and I can take it down if you wish. So glad to see you here at dVerse!

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks Lillian. I am glad you heard the voice of the refrigerator 🙂 and yes the post is intended for dVerse only. Thanks for adding it on Mr. Linky 🙂

  • lillian

    Hi Vandana:
    I added your post to Mr. Linky. It’s so nice to see you at dVerse. I notice that you did a Quadrille also. Do remember after you post your reply to a prompt, to do this: 1) click on the title of your post; 2) then click on the URL at the top of the page — it will change a bit to mark that exact page with that poem and date in the URL — COPY that updated URL. 3) Then go back to diverse and scroll down in the prompt to get to the little rectangular box that says MR LINKY…click on it. 4) once in Mr. Link, you just add your post by clicking on the second line there which will paste in what you’ve copied — and on the first line, add your name as you want it to appear. 5) hit Enter. Now everyone on dVerse will see your link and you’ll get more readers.
    I apologize if you already know how to do this and just inadvertently left it off of this refrigerator prompt. Go ahead and delete this comment if you want 🙂
    Again, so glad you posted to the prompt! 🙂 Happy Wednesday!

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Hey Lillian. I am aware of the process as I’ve been posting at dverse for quite some time now. I had scheduled this post earlier and didn’t get a chance to add the url after it got published. But thanks for your concern. I appreciate it 🙂

  • Kathy Reed

    Love this life saving CPR technique for revitalizing and saving the frig from its putrid state of demise :-).

  • Namratha

    That’s such a fun poem. I am sure that’s what a lot of our refrigerators with a cleaning overdue would love to say

  • Oh.. this is most excellent… I think it would be great if fridges could whine a bit like that. After all, we don’t want to see the mold.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Ha ha. I wish that too! Or maybe some technological advancement that rings alarm when it detects mold… Thanks Bjorn!

  • Sue Anderson

    Every refrigerator needs some resuscitation now and again. 🙂

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Yes they do..it’s only we, who keep putting it off till they scream like this 🙂 Thanks for your comment!

  • Frank Hubeny

    My refrigerator is probably screaming to be cleaned.

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