Poem: A Woman’s Shoes

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Comments ( 23 )

  • Reena Saxena

    Superb piece! I confess to this obsession with handbags and shoes 🙂

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks Reena. Same here. When I was writing this, I felt like writing one for bags too 🙂

  • kim881

    Even though I wear comfortable shoes, I think women’s shoes are works of art. I once made a lamp out of a discarded red patent leather high-heel platform shoe – I felt sorry for it because it had lost its partner. Your list of the flood of shoes is comprehensive. I particularly like the phrase: ‘a silhouette for each occasion’ and the rhymes in the lines:
    ‘from ankle straps
    to ballet flats
    from sandals and mules
    to sneakers and cools
    all lined up
    waiting to be picked up’.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks Kim. The prompt was pretty interesting. Women’s shoes and bags are indeed a work of art and creativity. I am moved by your words that you felt sorry as it had lost its partner! Thanks for your lovely words.

  • Feelings and Freedom

    I’m sure…footwear is one of the things we keep are eyes open for 🙂 Thanks Radhika.

  • Feelings and Freedom

    Oh yes! That’s another favorite accessory of all women. My husband keeps pulling me in front of a handbag store 😉

  • Frank Hubeny

    Nice description of shoes to fill a closet. Wouldn’t a glass shoe make someone look barefoot? Of course if it sparkles in the light that might be interesting.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      A glass shoe would certainly be transparent but wouldn’t make the person appear barefoot. It certainly shall be a charming accessory to have. I don’t have one but would be keen on buying it 😉 Thanks for your wonderful comment Frank.

  • Feelings and Freedom

    Absolutely! Shoes and bag complete and compliment a woman’s grace! Thanks Smitha.

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