NaPoWriMo Day 6: What you see in a Flower

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Comments ( 16 )

  • Sangbad

    what a multi-viewed poem on flowers…liked it…

      • Sangbad

        Yes it has been conveyed well…I tried an abstract one today…so few going to get it I think…

  • nicolahulmeblog

    I love this piece. After a night of nursing a sick child, my eyes are stinging, but the imagery of your work has lifted me . Thank-you, it’s beautiful.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Aww…I wish good health to your child. Thanks for your lovely words. I am glad it lifted your mood 🙂

  • samba2017

    I really enjoyed this poem, thanks for sharing. I particularly enjoyed the ‘satiating ravenous butterflies’ line. I have a poetry blog here on WordPress in case you have time to look? Have a good day, Sam 🙂

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