NaPoWriMo Day 22: Enlivening music

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  • Sangbad

    One of my favorite he is…well written..

  • Sangbad

    Thanks a ton…today’s reminded me of first day at NaPoWriMo 2017…my first poem here…and made me feel how time flies…

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Time flies! You are right. This is the third year we are participating together 🙂 Hope the journey continues!

      • Sangbad

        If I am not wrong it might be you who bring this occasion in my attention…so you had played a role for me being in this universe…and I also hope the journey will continue in the coming years…

        • Feelings and Freedom

          That’s so nice of you to say that Sang! You are being too kind. But I also truly believe that there is a role of universe in bringing us all together on this platform…sitting across distances and still sharing something in common. Good day!

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