NaPoWriMo Day 16:
Because it’s Friday, today I’d like you to relax with the rather silly form called Skeltonic, or tumbling, verse. In this form, there’s no specific number of syllables per line, but each line should be short, and should aim to have two or three stressed syllables. And the lines should rhyme. You just rhyme the same sound until you get tired of it, and then move on to another sound.
Though I did not follow the exact structure of Skeltonic, I went with short lines and rhymes (fist and third line are rhyming)
Poem: The Language of Music
A Universal language,
The language that reaches the soul
The music of nature heals
As waves at ocean splash
When trees dance to breeze
The chirping of the birds
The pitter-patter of raindrops
A language without words
When rhythms play in accord
A mystical journey begins
A symphony creates every chord
Music’s a comrade in solitude,
Amplifying your rhapsodies
Orchestrating your moods
Music is an experience
An experience to connect with self
A pathway to wellness
©Vandana Bhasin

Ah, where would we be without this language that connects us all?
“Who hears music feels his solitude peopled at once.” ~ Robert Browning
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” ~ Plato
Just sharing two of my faves. Thanks for this lovely post. You rock!
Thank you Selma for sharing your beautiful thoughts. Plato’s words are my favourite too and had shared the same last week with a post. Music certainly breathes life in everything ❤️