NaPoWriMo Day 12: A Poetic Treat

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Comments ( 6 )

  • Kim M. Russell

    A sweet address to a poem, Vandana, and a little recipe in the lines:
    ‘A speck of rhyme, a pinch of cadence
    Some rhythm to make you lyrical’.
    Yes, poems do keep nudging poets. Mine even prod me in the early hours of the morning and at odd moments when there’s no pen or anything to hand to record them.

    • Vandana Bhasin

      Oh yes! That happens with me too, especially when I’ve retired for the day or doing yoga in the morning 🙂
      I’m glad you relished my poetic feast! Thanks for reading.

  • Ipsita

    Good one, enjoyed reading it!

  • Arti

    The Hungry little caterpillar comes to mind:) An appetising treat Vandana.

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