NaPoWriMo Day 11:
This is a twist on a prompt offered by Kay Gabriel during a meeting she facilitated at the Poetry Project last year. Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a two-part poem, in the form of an exchange of letters. The first stanza (or part) should be in the form of a letter that you write either to yourself or to a famous fictional or historical person. The second part should be the letter you receive in response. These can be as short or long as you like, in the form of prose poems, or with line breaks – and of course, the subject matter of the letters is totally up to you.
Here’s my take on the prompt, an exchange of letter with Leonardo Da Vinci 🙂
Poem: A Letter to Leonardo Da Vinci
Dear Mr. Da Vinci
Hope you are acknowledged in the world above
The way you mesmerized everyone on Earth
I know my letter might come as a surprise
But I hope it’s not distracting you while you paint or scribe
So you see, Mr. Da Vinci, I’ve been curious to know
How you managed your interests in science and invention
When you are renowned world over for your art creations
The model of self propelled car,
Or the architecture of ‘The ideal city’
The glider, the cannon or the design of helicopter
You assimilated fragments from every science division
While painting Mona Lisa with that perfect human smile
The Last Supper is still an artistic mile,
The Vitruvian Man representing a cultural icon
And Salvator Mundi is still most expensive
Your unfinished journals still a matter of study
To decipher the code, to unravel the maze,
Of how a man of intellect could have unparalleled creativity
Mr. Da Vinci, I am a writer and an artist too,
But I’m afraid to admit in front of you
So here I request the master today,
To share some knowledge with a keen learner
Some pearls of wisdom, some tricks of the trade
Some guidance to prod my creative flow
Awaiting your reply
-A keen learner
Dear Keen Learner
Though I know that can’t be your name
Just remember to be versatile in the game of fame,
Though an artist by endowment,
With no schooling to pursue
I might assist you, Keen Learner, with a cue or two
Sight and observance are your greatest assets
Learn how to see, if you wish to perceive
I learnt from nature, I learnt from books
Persistence and consistence are the only truth
Just follow your instincts, and soak your canvas in ink
Just listen to your heart, and give words to your thoughts
I’m elated to know, the world still appreciates
Mona Lisa, The Last Supper they still felicitate
Thank you for writing to me, my dear Keen Learner
I hope you reach the skies, as Leonardo Da Vinci
©Vandana Bhasin

Wow! This is one of your best. I admire the man and the response letter from him sounds so wise ( like he’d actually say it 🙂 ). So so well done
Very clever indeed. If only it could be so!
Yes, choosing was the toughest job but you did it really well!