
I wish you had a better husband, Mom

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  • pranabaxom

    My father always woke up the kids in the morning. Mother was the last person to go to bed at night, so she was not disturbed because once she got up, she hardly had any rest till going to bed. My father did not know a few things, like riding a bicycle (never had any spare money to buy one when he was young) or driving a car ( when we had one, he could afford a driver) but other than that he could do everything, from cooking to sewing. When my sisters were young, he used to see dresses for them. Though he was an excellent cook, kitchen was mother’s domain. On weekends and holidays father used to help out with cutting vegetables. Were they perfect? I don’t think so but together they brought up eleven kids and also took care of many relatives. I think mutual respect is very essential in a relationship.

  • Gina

    I read this and pondered before commenting. well written story, a tale not unfamiliar yet often overlooked and taken for granted. you have a lovely story telling style.

  • boundlessblessingsblog

    A true story with many fathers not helping their wives at all but are engrossed in their work and there are others who love helping. I would say everyone is brought up in different ways in their childhood that plays a great part as you grow up. Nice story, Vandana.

  • Gina

    A real pleasure to me and thank you for your additional comments.

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