Haibun: The Writing Therapy

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Comments ( 15 )

  • mihrank

    wow – I recall this post a good example for therapy…

  • kanzensakura

    xcellent! Don’t ever feel dejected. It is when we stop writing that we fail.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Yes, writing keeps me going. Thanks. Your prompt actually helped me list my goals 🙂

  • Singledust

    when i was desperately hurt i wrote more than ever, but only in my journal so your words resonated so deeply with me, i never wanted it read but just writing it made me feel safe and then the healing began. loved your haibun for its purity and a very mindful haiku for all us

    • Feelings and Freedom

      I am glad my words spoke to you. You are right, just writing your feelings makes you feel lighter and better. It happens with me too all the time. Thanks for reflecting back 🙂

  • Frank Hubeny

    I like the phrase “learning disguised as failure”. Best wishes on your coming ebook.

  • I think writing has helped me more than anything… the only problem is that when I have helped myself enough I have less time to write.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Ha ha..I understand. When healing happens, we refrain from taking medicines 🙂 Thanks Bjorn

  • Linda Kruschke

    “learning disguised as failure” — What a great line! So often we believe the lie that we’ve failed permanently, when in fact we’ve only had a lesson to learn from.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Each attempt adds to our learning and experience. We might fail but we always take away something from it. Thanks for your wonderful words!

  • Victoria C. Slotto

    Writing, for those of us who are introverts, is a good tool to express all we hold inside. Keep on writing.

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