An Earnest Prayer

An Earnest Prayer

Mandalas are known to be healing and comforting and the very act of creating a mandala brings calmness. A Prayer Mandala is created as a focus for one’s own meditation or prayer, or as a gift to comfort or uplift someone.

I created this Mandala when the world was crippled in the second wave of Covid and people were losing their loved ones every day. This mandala was my way of sending prayer to the Universe for peace and light.

Each mandala ring in this artwork is a line of the prayer repeated over the circumference of the circle. A four line poem is repeated throughout the mandala:
“Let peace reign the world (yellow ring)
Let there be hope in rays of Sun (red ring)
Let joy sparkle in eyes of all (blue ring)
Let happiness bloom in every heart” (green ring)


This piece will be customised and not sold as it is, as this one was my prayer for the Universe. I will be happy to create a Prayer Mandala for you or your loved one with prayer customised as per your wish and more mandala patterns in the outer rings or at the corners. Please contact us for customisation.

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