dreams keep us afloat when turbulent waves of time ally wrath of fate questioning our true mettle to crack mystery of life The post follows the prompt words “mystery” and “dreams” given by Elsie for her Weekly...
Lillian hosted Poetics at dVerse this Tuesday. She has provided us with images captured by Hubble space telescope and wants us to write a poem seeking inspiration from any one picture. I have written this poem for the picture....
It is week 44 of Quadrille at dVerse and De is hosting the Quadrille today with prompt word “kick”. So, 44 weeks and 44 prompts for 44 worded Quadrille! I ‘ve written the quadrille using all the 44 words:...
I hate myself for all the words I say Which I detest from the bottom of my heart I hate myself for all the things I do Which never reflect in my list of tasks I...
music stringed by words words veiled under rhythmic treat dawn of melody Linked to Haiku Horizons for the prompt “treat” for week 192
I have penned down something in Hindi today. Below is the English translation as well. क्यों चले आते हो तुम ख़्यालों में बिन बुलाए बिन खटखटाए जब इस दिल पर तुम्हारा कोई हक़ ही नहीं इस दिल ने...
Mish is hosting dVerse Poetics today. For today’s prompt, she’d like us to focus on metaphorical masks, or psychological masks, so to speak. Here’s my take at it: Hey you! Yes! I am talking to you Not the one...
encumbering societal norms weighed heavy on me so I rescinded to hibernate to rationalize my subsistence to feel my roots like waves retracting to depth of ocean then your memories creaked gently in the silence of my heart...
We are celebrating Diwali in India today. This festival of lights is one of the most awaited and celebrated occasions for Hindus in the country. With people flooding the markets with their innovative gifting ideas, it’s an occasion filled...
feelings… feelings invoke imagination imagination rears thoughts thoughts starve for words words scattered… as billions of stars and galaxies thoughts amalgamate with words words spill on paper a poem is born! happiness orchestrates… makes soul dance soar without wings...