I challenge all the rules… Rules that force me to be a victim Rules that want me to submit to sin Rules that coerce me to favor the defendant Rules that forbid me to voice my dissent! ...
Relationships are quite fragile in nature. Even a trivial unpleasant word or action can disrupt our entire belief system. It takes years of love, care, bonding and sacrifices to form and sustain relationships but only a single deed of...
Dreams are the foundation and hope for our desired fate. They are a purpose of survival for many. But procrastination can squash your dreams. Dreaming big, in itself, is not a stupendous act. Most of us do it all...
Throughout our lives, we strive to achieve equilibrium in numerous forms. Balancing work and personal life; Managing our time between kids and spouse; Balancing our time between family and self; Managing our priorities; Harmonizing necessities and pleasures; We...
Freedom from abuse and prejudice, Health and hygiene gains emphasis, Innocence not lost in survival, Play and learn to be the vital, A pleasing smile adorning the face, Embraced with love, care and grace… Is what I want...
“Grow up, Grow up” I heard a voice “Be responsible” Demanded another noise “Don’t act childish” Rebuked someone old “Everything isn’t fun” Wise men scold! So I grew up fast My childhood didn’t last I was soon responsible Prudent...
From dawn to dusk, from fall to spring, Pursuing the routine has been a routine, I want to disrupt the monotony today, I want to be rather different today!
Determined to chase off my morning indolence, I obeyed the alarm with physical dissonance, Procrastinating the thought had been of no avail, Reluctantly I slipped into sneakers, to follow the trail.
This post is in response to Weekly Haiku Challenge hosted by Ronovan of RonovanWrites. The prompts for this week are Creep and Race. I have written Tanka, an extended form of Haiku. Watching quietly I caught new...