तुम और मैंजैसे कागज़ पर लिखी एक हसीन कविताकुछ एहसासात बिखेरती हुईकुछ लम्हों को अलफ़ाज़ में पिरोती हुईदिल के तारों को छूती हुईख़्वाबों को आँखों में सजाती हुईजीने की इक आस जगाती हुई … तुम और मैंजैसे सावन की...
Universe, they say, has its own ways Ways of bringing people together, Together who are meant to be, No matter where they are — Miles away from you, In a world that I called my own, Yet searching for...
We are experiencing turbulent times; incidents we never fathomed, situations we have no expertise in dealing; and worst of all, the cumulative grief and pain as a society and as humankind. We are at loss of words to express...
April is the most awaited month for all the poets across the world as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month by writing a poem each day to the prompts hosted by various platforms. I’ve surprised myself this time by...
NaPoWriMo Day 30: ArtoonsInn Prompt: Write a poem on the theme “Poetry” Poetry- A Magic Wand! Scattered words Labyrinth of thoughts Emotions overflowing All woven together in soulful verses – Some reflections, some amusing, Some voice of the masses,...
NaPoWriMo Day 29: This one is called “in the window.” Imagine a window looking into a place or onto a particular scene. It could be your childhood neighbor’s workshop, or a window looking into an alien spaceship. Maybe a...
NaPoWriMo Day 28: Our prompt today (optional, as always), is to write a poem that poses a series of questions. The questions could be a mix of the serious (“What is the meaning of life?”) and humorous (“What’s the...
NaPoWriMo Day 27: I’m following the ArtoonsInn prompt today. The prompt is to write a poem on “Sparrows.” I went with acrostic form. Acrostic: Sparrows Sky, with no precincts Pours its love on us Adorable, little creatures we are...