NaPoWriMo Day 30:
ArtoonsInn Prompt: Write a poem on the theme “Poetry”
Poetry- A Magic Wand!
Scattered words
Labyrinth of thoughts
Emotions overflowing
All woven together in soulful verses
Some reflections, some amusing,
Some voice of the masses,
Some call of the destitute,
Some echoes of solitude
Some words that bring hope,
Some verses that touch the soul,
Some poems that scatter light,
A world where words weave wondrous write
Healing the lacerations of the loving heart,
Poetry reinstates belief in oneself,
When life gets lost in the mayhem around,
Poetry’s a reassurance in the virtues abound
Poetry keeps me sane,
When strife of living threatens me insane
Solace for my soul and my mind,
Poetry’s akin to meditation or divine
Forever grateful I am to Thee,
For this supreme eternal blessing
May poets continue to quill profundity,
And enlighten the world with novel perspective!
©Vandana Bhasin