
Poem: Sign at the beach

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Comments ( 25 )

  • jacquelineobyikocha

    Lovely, lovely. I truly enjoyed this. May we leave meaningful footprints in the sands of time.

  • Founder of ilovemusic

    Damn. Now that is what you call a great poem. That in one of the best that I have looked at on this site. You got some skills. Keep it up. I would be really grateful if you could check out some of my works too.

  • lynn__

    Like your line, “I read the sign as the sign read my mind”. Glad God left you a sign to keep walking your journey…may you seek Him!

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks dear! God always sends us signs in some or the other form, if only we are lucky to notice those. Have a great day !

  • Beverly Crawford

    A lovely poem, and reassurance that we are given signs to help with our choices. Thank you.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks so much for liking the poem. I guess, we always get signs around us…we just need to be cautious enough to recognise those 🙂 Thanks for your feedback. Have a great day!

  • Laura Bloomsbury

    the repetition works so well – like one footstep after the other

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks Laura! I am glad the repetition worked so well. You have pointed out quite correctly..like one footstep after the other. Thanks for your feedback 🙂

  • Victoria C. Slotto

    Loved the flow and use of repetition that you used for this thought-provoking message. Wonderful poem.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks Victoria! The repetition has brought out the meaning really well 🙂 Have great day!

  • Infinite Living

    Such a lovely composition! Really enjoyed it’s rhythm and deep meaning.

  • Mish

    The repetition reminded me of the waves of the ocean, rhythmic and soothing.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks for the wonderful prompt Mish! I wanted to experiment with repetition and I guess it has worked well 🙂

  • lillian

    Our footsteps in the sand….next to the immense vastness of the ocean….we leave small dents on this earth……….and we are but a speck in the universe. You’ve got me thinking here…

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Great thoughts. I am glad it has put you in a thinking mode 🙂 Thanks for reading and commenting.

  • findingmaj

    Fabulous poem. So true … really resonates. Thank you

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks for your lovely words. I am glad it resonated with you. Have a great weekend!

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