I fought to affirm my worth to the world only to be defeated each time I struggled to keep pace with the world only to be wounded each time I voiced against prejudice by the world only to...
you can reach zenith only if you dare to wreck the wall of your fear This post follows the prompt “wall” given by Haiku Horizons for week#175.
There is a Hindi poem that is close to my heart since my childhood. Recently, it got reiterated when I was making my son recite the same as part of his school assignment. I realized that the poem is...
This is the first week of our monthly theme “focus”. Focus is imperative to prosper in life. Our life is swarming with distractions and if we lose sight of our goal even for a minute, we might have to...
Today is the last day of NaPoWriMo! I can’t believe I’ve been writing a poem everyday for a month. A big thanks to Maureen for successfully hosting another year of NaPoWriMo by constantly motivating and guiding us by providing interesting...
The prompt for Day 21 of NaPoWriMo is to write a poem that incorporates overheard speech. It could be something you’ve heard on the radio, or a phrase you remember from your childhood, even something you overheard a coworker...
Throughout our lives, we strive to achieve equilibrium in numerous forms. Balancing work and personal life; Managing our time between kids and spouse; Balancing our time between family and self; Managing our priorities; Harmonizing necessities and pleasures; We...
“What is life?” Ah! I wondered, “An ocean of problems with pearls of happiness?” Life is fun to some, but pain to others, Life is fair to some, no gain to others. Life is a struggle, Life...