Seek Miracles In Life Everyday Smile my dear, smile it away For your smile sways all the pain Your smile renders you humane The gateway to everyone’s heart Is the warmth that smile imparts A...
Life may not thrive expectedly, So what! Reckon it as learning Road may not be even, So what! Learn from pitfalls It may not always be sunny, Aha! Rejoice the rain and stars Friends may not...
My poem today follows the prompt given by Elsie of Ramblingsofawriter for her Weekly Poetry Challenge#80. The prompt words are “nature” and “peace”. She has also suggested a few other poetry forms. I have tried a new form today,...
heart wails treachery though words belie emotions silence speaks the truth Linked to Haiku Horizons for prompt “silence” for week#199.
Grace is hosting Quadrille Monday this time at dVerse, And it is the 6th anniversary of dVerse! Congratulations to all the hosts. Their efforts are truly appreciated. We’re on Week #36 and the prompt word is “flicker.” Paul suggested to deepen the challenge...
Let silence bespeak my mind today Let my closed moist eyes gaze your soul today Let my breath swell your heartbeat today Let my touch enthuse your senses today For words are not enough today For I realized that...
summer afternoon waves quietly touching shore teasing leisurely savouring tranquility weary of belligerence
Tanka is a poetry form which originated in Japan more than 13 centuries ago. Tanka, translated, means “short song.” It is similar to haiku in that there are specific numbers of syllables for each line of the poem and they often discuss the...