NaPoWriMo Day 23: Today’s prompt (optional, as always) asks you to write a poem about a particular letter of the alphabet, or perhaps, the letters that form a short word. Doesn’t “S” look sneaky and snakelike? And “W” clearly...
NaPoWriMo Day 22: Our (optional) prompt for the day asks to engage with different languages and cultures through the lens of proverbs and idiomatic phrases. Many different cultures have proverbs or phrases that have largely the same meaning, but...
NaPoWriMo Day 21: Today’s poetry resource is the archives of Poetry International, where you’ll find poems from all over the world, both in their original languages and in translation. Today’s optional prompt asks you to make use of today’s resource....
NaPoWriMo Day 20: Today, in gratitude for making it to Day 20, our (optional) prompt asks you to write a poem about a handmade or homemade gift that you have received. It could be a friendship bracelet made for...
NaPoWriMo Day 19: Today, our optional prompt challenges you to write a poem based on a “walking archive.” What’s that? Well, it’s when you go on a walk and gather up interesting thing – a flower, a strange piece...
NaPoWriMo Day 18: Our optional prompt for the day is to write an ode to life’s small pleasures. Perhaps it’s the first sip of your morning coffee. Or finding some money in the pockets of an old jacket. Discovering...
NaPoWriMo Day17 : Today the challenge is to write a poem that features forgotten technology. Maybe it’s a VCR, or a rotary phone. A cassette player or even a radio. Have you ever seen me? I hadn’t...
NaPoWriMo Day 16: Today we challenge you to write a poem of over-the-top compliments. Pick a person, place, or thing you love, and praise it in the most effusive way you can. Go for broke with metaphors, similes, and...
NaPoWriMo Day 15: The challenge today is to write a poem inspired by your favorite kind of music. Try to recreate the sounds and timing of a pop ballad, a jazz improvisation, or a Bach fugue. That could mean...
NaPoWriMo Day 14: Today’s optional prompt asks you, like Alice Notley, to think about your own inspirations and forebears (whether literary or otherwise). Specifically, I challenge you today to write a poem that deals with the poems, poets, and...