whispering of wind pitter-patter of raindrops rustling of the leaves rhythm of the swaying trees melody of nature’s art This post follows the prompt words “Music” and “Art”, given by Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge#41. I...
15 Jul
30 Jun
there’s something in the wind today that’s creating ripples in my present-day that’s fetching all old memories memories of you and me memories of you stealing glimpses of me memories of the door from where you peeked memories of...
13 May
A mug of coffee a bar of chocolate appeasing music a snug recliner is all I want today for I want to unwind today A book to read nature to duck no goals to attain no rules to cling...
23 Apr
The prompt for Day Twenty-Three of NaPoWriMo is to write a double elevenie. What’s that? Well, an elevenie is an eleven-word poem of five lines, with each line performing a specific task in the poem. The first line is one...