In a world swarming with devious and guile No one cares to idolize innocence No one accredits triumph to innocence Oh! This world is so technology laden… Childhood lonesome holds the fort of innocence Envisioning the perpetuity of...
The prompt for the tenth day of NaPoWriMo is to write a poem that is a portrait of someone important to you. It doesn’t need to focus so much on what a person looks (or looked) like, as what they...
Freedom from abuse and prejudice, Health and hygiene gains emphasis, Innocence not lost in survival, Play and learn to be the vital, A pleasing smile adorning the face, Embraced with love, care and grace… Is what I want...
Today’s post is in response to the Day 4 prompt “Journey” given by Poetry 101 course of Blogging University. The journey of life began with my first cry in this world… From mother’s lap to the floor, From...
Today I have written the poem based on word and form prompt given on Day 2 of Poetry 101 course of Blogging University. The word provided is “Face” and the device recommended is alliteration. Alliteration is all about using the same...
This post is in response to Limerick Challenge Week 16 hosted by @mindandlifematters Searching for my love, I crossed that mile, Probing innocence in his deceit and guile, But he was a crook, So I undertook, To...