ALS NaPoWriMo Day 18 Prompt: Alliteration Poem Poem: Riveting Reflections When world was wrapped with warmth My world was wistfully withdrawn Beneath the semblance of superficial smiles Bit by bit I broke every night No...
Bjorn is hosting Meet the Bar (MTB) challenge at dVerse today. He wants us to try using different types of alliteration, assonance and consonance in any poem of our choice and see how we can enhance the connection between...
Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that uses repetition. You can repeat a word, or phrase. You can even repeat an image, perhaps slightly changing or enlarging it from stanza to stanza, to alter its...
The prompt for today is to write a poem that explicitly incorporates alliteration (the use of repeated consonant sounds) and assonance (the use of repeated vowel sounds). This doesn’t mean necessarily limiting yourself to a few consonants or vowels, although...
Today I have written the poem based on word and form prompt given on Day 2 of Poetry 101 course of Blogging University. The word provided is “Face” and the device recommended is alliteration. Alliteration is all about using the same...