Poem: Looking Up

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Comments ( 10 )

  • lillian

    YES! A wonderful post for this image! 🙂 So very glad you posted to the prompt. I especially love these lines
    “Glitterati of stars
    Constellation of avatars
    Where hope radiates in weightlessness”
    and thinking about someday, our souls orbiting in this luminosity!

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thanks dear Lillian! The images were irresistible:) Missed posting yesterday so did it first thing today. I hope my soul will also orbit someday and join the glitterati of stars 🙂 Thanks for your lovely words!

  • Olga

    Some glittering, celestial, poetic images you’ve spun out of the visual. Loved the last verse. Well said! Wonderful poetry. <3

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