NaPoWriMo Day 25:
Our prompt for today (optional, as always) is to write an “occasional” poem. The poem you write can be for an occasion in the past or the future, one important to you and your family (a wedding, a birth) or for an occasion in the public eye (the Olympics, perhaps?).
I decided to write for the World Book Day (April 23, 2021)
Poem: The world of books
I travel places,
I live many lives,
A cluster of characters reside within me,
I see life through multiple lenses
As I dive into books in my library
A world ethereal,
Where illusion is reality,
Where dreams come to life,
When words weave a tapestry
A haven for dreamers, for thinkers like me
Away from the humdrum,
Away from the grief,
Away from chaos of everyday living,
A place where no one is judgmental,
It’s the celestial world, with a pile of books
A poetry book appeases my senses,
The self-help genre lifts my spirits,
Fiction offers versions of realism,
For peace, I look up to Gurbani,
Where is the time to feel solitary?
As I devour each book,
The lone thought haunts me,
“How can I ever read, all the books that I wish?”
One life is indeed short,
To get to the end of TBR (to be read) list!
©Vandana Bhasin