I am following the prompt of ArtoonsInn Poetry Parlour to write a poem based on the quote “The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too,” by Vincent van Gogh.
Poem Title: A sea of emotions
I carry within me, a sea of emotions;
The love that flows abundantly,
Like a stream unfettered,
Making its way through rocks and storms
I have my ebbs and flows;
Feeling overwhelmed with convolutions of life,
I rise like a high tide,
Struggling to touch the shore
I’ve learnt to harness my strengths too;
I silently withdraw myself from the chaos,
And wait patiently like an oyster,
For my pearl to be discovered
In my heart, there’s an ocean of secrets;
I have a treasure of memories too,
When I fall behind in the race of life,
This coveted treasure nourishes me back to bloom!
©Vandana Bhasin