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  • viewsofpreethib

    All the best Vandana 🙂 Waiting to read your attempts on NaPoWrimo prompt based poems 🙂

  • S. Bishop

    Good luck! This is my first time doing NaPoWriMo. I intend on focusing on haiku, since they are so bite sized. Will you be posting any of your poetry here on your blog?

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Hey. I can assure you that you’ll have a great time. I generally try to stick to prompts given by them. Yes I’ll post my poems on my blog.All the best dear.

  • Smitha V

    All the Best to you and me and everybody else taking part in NaPoWriMo. Looking forward to reading your poems Vandana.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Absolutely! All the best to everyone! I look forward to reading your poems and comments 😉

  • Feelings and Freedom

    We should explore some other ways to connect too. We have a lot in common and are a good company 🙂

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