If only I could: NaPoWriMo Day 8

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  • Untold Stories

    If only I could have time machine for a little time

    I would seal the past in past and not let future entwine

    I never read something so beautiful….❤️

  • Akhila

    How I wish to be that carefree as a free spirited dandelion !!

  • Saumya

    You definitely ought to wear your wisdom as your armour, come what may! No ifs.
    Grab sometime under a starry night to listen to your heart- a treat from you to yourself!!

  • merrildsmith

    I suppose we all wish for “if only.” I particularly like the final couplet.

  • Just Barry

    “If only I could live my life on my terms

    If only I could trust my wisdom to be my armor”

    Preach, sister! Your words are deeply felt.

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