13 Jun
Some day I’m enough
Some day I lose myself
Some day I flow with life
Some day life is strife
Some mornings bring hope
I am at peace with myself
Some mornings I lose the will
The will to rise and live
My past is laden with memories
Memories of love and ecstasy
Memories of despair and ineptitude
I cherish some, I abandon few
I feel trapped sometimes
Trapped in the conundrum of my thoughts
I’m learning to govern my vagrant mind
This mind that doesn’t let me revel in peace
I’ve questioned myself enough
But there are no straight answers
I’m learning to tame my desires
Not everything you wish, comes true
I’m learning to accept life
I succeed at it sometimes
I fail at it more often
I’m learning to accept that I’ve failed
©Vandana Bhasin
Learning to accept failure is a success in itself!
Thank you for such uplifting words Peter. You are probably right. Success is a state of mind. Thanks a ton
For some, getting out of bed in the morning is a huge success. I count myself very lucky!