
World of Words (WoW)

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  • Frank Hubeny

    I like your description of “weird words” as “as germs all-pervading”.

    • Feelings and Freedom

      The pain inflicted by certain words is even worse than germs I feel. What do you think Frank? Thanks for reading 🙂

  • Victoria Stuart

    I love having the perspective to perceive all the ways words can land. The alliteration is wonderful!

  • Beverly Crawford

    We must be wary of words. They can wrap us in wrath or wonderment. Your clever write transported me onward!

  • Words come in so many packages… I think we need a little bit of them all, even some spice of weird words … as long as we get some wonderful words in the end

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Can’t agree more! Most of the times we are able to appreciate wonderful words only because we are aware of the other form of words that can hurt or haunt us . I’m glad I was upto the prompt. Thanks Bjorn

  • Gina

    love how your words mature with wisdom here, each stanza is so perfectly crafted, well done!

    • Feelings and Freedom

      I’m glad I could play with words to bring out something creative that could live upto the prompt 🙂 Thanks Gina

      • Gina

        Absolutely my pleasure

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