
Quadrille: The Bliss of Dawn

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Comments ( 32 )

  • Smitha V

    I love the way you link the words “pepper lulls journey” is my favorite.

  • lillian

    Ohhhhhh…..I wish you could hear my giant audible sigh as I finished reading your wonderful post!!!! I’ve been so enwrapped in my film noir series….emphasis on “noir” that this is a breath of fresh air! Using all the words masterfully, to a postive mood and effect. And not a hyphenated word or compound word in sight. BRILLIANT! I LOVE it! I’m a Pollyanna kind of person so when you shifted all these words toward bliss…….smiling I am. FABULOUS!

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Thank you so much for such wonderful words of appreciation. I am grateful for such inspiring feedback. I had been waiting for long to try out with all words and on a positive note. I am glad it came out well. Thanks Lillian !

  • whimsygizmo

    I LOVE how “breath skips” eventually culminates in the sound “bliss.” Just wonderful! Well done, with all the words!

  • kim881

    Very nicely done! I love the pace of your quadrille, the way you’ve stretched it out so that it seems much longer than 44 words! It’s full of sound and movement.

  • Frank Hubeny

    I liked “ballooned shadows giggle”. Nice use of all these words.

  • whippetwisdom

    A wonderful use of all the words, I love the mystical shape of your poem too ;o) xxx

  • Victoria C. Slotto

    Extremely well crafted use of all the words, and the photo is the perfect lead-in.

  • Grace

    Love the weaving all the words, with the positive turn to “bliss” ~ Well done with the challenge ~

  • ForgivingConnects

    Wow! This is magnificent. Thank you for sharing your creativity. Lovely to meet you, your presence is so welcome on my blog. 🙂 Blessings, Debbie

  • Olga

    Very creative use of all the words and the flow is wonderful. Loved how “dawn kicks hope/fear melts… bliss.” <3

    • Feelings and Freedom

      Each day brings new hope, new opportunities. We are blessed each day with light. Thanks for your wonderful words of appreciation.

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