26 Oct
I have penned down something in Hindi today. Below is the English translation as well.
क्यों चले आते हो तुम ख़्यालों में बिन बुलाए बिन खटखटाए जब इस दिल पर तुम्हारा कोई हक़ ही नहीं इस दिल ने तो उस दिन ही निर्मोही जोगी का चोला ओढ़ लिया था जिस दिन तुम ज़िन्दगी से चले गए थे बिन बताये बिन खटखटाए इस दिल को अब न कोई आस है न ख़्वाहिश न ग़म है न ग़िला बस इतनी इल्तिज़ा है कि अब इस दिल से भी चले जाओ तुम बिन बताए बिन खटखटाये !
English translation
Why do you sneak in my thoughts without invitation without knocking when you have no right over my heart my heart wore the cloak of an unloving sage from that day itself when you walked away from my life without informing without knocking now my heart has no expectations, no desires no pains, no complains but just an appeal that you walk away from my heart too without informing without knocking!
well written !!
liked the way you have translated !!
hope u will like mine too !!
Thanks. Will check yours too.
Like the original as well as the translation. I have to admit I had to struggle a little to read the original as Hindi is not my mother tongue.
I appreciate your effort for reading the Hindi one 🙂 Thanks
काफी अच्छी है