08 Apr
The prompt for the eighth day of NaPoWrimo/GloPoWrimo is to write a poem that relies on repetition. It can be repetition of a phrase, or just a word. I have given weightage to a phrase.
Infinite desires
Myriad aspirations
Some camouflaged in heart
Some trodden by rules
Infinite desires
Myriad aspirations
Some weathered against yardstick
Some chagrined by character
Infinite desires
Myriad aspirations
Some saddled by responsibilities
Some slain by injustice
Infinite desires
Myriad aspirations
Some ridiculed by capabilities
Some trapped in time wheel
Infinite desires
Myriad aspirations
Mystified in labyrinth of life
Should we reckon ourselves free?
Nice one…mine will be posted at Eve…
Look forward to reading it 🙂 Thanks
Posted for today…
Why do we permit so many obstacles to our own well-being? You really ask the question well
Precisely my point! Thanks for your comment and liking the poem 🙂
nice one mam